Tankless Water Heater Repair and Maintenance | La Porte, Indiana

Tankless Water Heater Repair in La Porte, IN

Contact Clear Sky for Tankless Water Heater Repair or Maintenance

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206 Total Reviews /files//clear_sky-logo-LG.png219-362-1613$418 e lincolnway, LA Porte IN

Tankless Services for Your Home or Business

Schedule Your Tankless Repair or Maintenance Visit with Clear Sky

If you've ever lost hot water at your home, you know how frustrating it can be. We often take for granted how often we utilize hot water in our day to day lives, if your system breaks down, or isn't working as efficiently as you know it should be don't hesitate to call us at Clear Sky Heating and Cooling. Our technicians can repair and service all brands of tankless water heaters but we always tell our customer's to choose Navien tankless systems.

Navien tankless water heaters are some of the most efficient on the market, they are cost effective and require no utility space, but proper service and repair requires training and experience. Clear Sky has the factory training, tools, and parts support to properly service your tankless system. We'll get your system tuned up, repaired, or routinely serviced in no time at all.

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Call Clear Sky when you need tankless Services
  • Providing expert tankless services for our community
  • Family Owned & Operated
  • Serving Our Neighbors Since 1986
Call Clear Sky when you need tankless Services
Call Clear Sky when you need tankless Services
Call Clear Sky when you need tankless Services

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Let's Get Started

Tankless Water Heater Tune-ups

The steps required for system maintenance vary a bit based on the age of your equipment, and its condition prior. However, these are the typical steps we take on a tankless tune-up visit:

  • Annual service (or more frequently if water conditions required)
  • Flush the tankless water heater to remove sediment and calcium from the heat exchanger
  • Clean the inlet water filter
  • Inspect the flame sensor and clean if necessary
  • Inspect the T & P valve
  • Carefully Inspect the venting system and vent termination
  • If appropriate, inspect and clean the condensing water drain system
  • Test fire the system, and verify accurate water temperature delivery

Benefits of a Tankless System

Durable, Long-Lasting Construction

Dual stainless steel heat exchangers resist corrosion better than copper


Condensing technology reduces energy. consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

Control from you Phone

Optional NaviLinkā„¢ Wi-Fi control system gives you access to your Navien systems from anywhere in the world

Multiple venting options

For homes with extra high demand, NPE-2 Series units can be cascaded without an external control

On-demand recirculation

HotButton on-demand recirculation option with built-in controller

Optional Forced Air Systems

H2Air combination space heating and domestic hot water supply optional for NPE-A2 models

Tankless Repair and Maintenance

Save Time & Money

Our customers in La Porte, IN agree, once you own a tankless water heater you'll never settle for an old style tank water heater again. How great is it to never run out of hot water again?

As good as tankless systems are, their technicality can be a hindrance for some HVAC repair services. Properly servicing tankless water heaters, regardless of brand, requires extensive training, parts support, and years of experience. Clear Sky Heating and Cooling offers emergency service for all modern brands and models of tankless water heaters including Bosch, Navien, Noritz, Rheem, Rinnai and more. Common service issues experienced by tankless water heater owners include:

  • Water quality issues:
    • Scale build-up causing reduced efficiency and capacity
    • Clogged or restricted inlet filters
  • Installation related issues:
    • Intermittent flame failures often caused by improver gas pressures
    • Improper condensation or condensation leakage resulting from improperly supported or pitched venting system
    • Unacceptable wait times for hot water or changes in hot water wait times
    • Variable outlet water temperatures often cased by pressure balance issues caused by pressure balance problems on facets of tube and shower valves
  • Environmental issues:
    • Block or obstructed air inlet or venting cause by recent snowfall or organic debris

If you're considering a new tankless water heater we feature industry leading Navien tankless systems. We'll evaluate your water heating needs, and prescribe the perfect tankless solution. Click here for details.

Get In Touch

About Clear Sky Heating and Cooling

  • We're your local La Porte, IN contractor for all of your heating, AC, water heating and air quality service needs. We've been in the HVAC business since 1986, providing residential and commercial clients with impeccable service.
  • With every job we provide our customer's with upfront pricing, so there's no hidden costs at the end of the installation or repair
  • Our technicians strive for 100% customer satisfaction across the board, and our Service Guarantees and equipment promises speak for themselves so if you need your comfort or IAQ system serviced, replaced or installed don't hesitate to call us today!

Our Process

Free Estimate
Timely Install
Quality Install
Enjoy Your
Improved Comfort

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